About the Principal



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Brian Peace


We are excited to have your children attending our school and look forward to a very successful year at Copper Rim Elementary School.  The Copper Rim Staff strives to be among the finest educators! 

I believe in giving our children every opportunity to succeed in this educational environment. Your support in all aspects of their educational life is invaluable and we are counting on seeing you often on the campus. If we work together: students, parents, and the community, our students will become successful members of society.

I am a proud Tiger! I grew up in Globe and graduated from Globe High School.  I have fond memories of playing in the Tiger Marching Band, building floats for Homecoming and whitewashing the G.  After graduating from Globe High School, I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Northern Arizona University in Elementary Education.  I taught fifth and sixth grade in the valley and completed my Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership in 2010.  Not long after that, I was given the opportunity to return to Globe as an administrator at Copper Rim.

At Copper Rim we pledge to provide the best possible education for all of our students. We care about your children and will strive to provide the quality that will make Copper Rim the best. We will keep you informed of school happenings, and we urge you to communicate your needs and concerns to us.   

Brian Peace, M.Ed.