Globe Unified District Goals

  • Globe Unified School District will exercise Fiscal Responsibility by:

    • Preparing and implementing budgets that allow the district to avoid borrowing for operational expenses. (Solvency)
    • Planning and implementing a program of preventative maintenance that preserves district assets. (Maintaining Resources)
    • Using available methods to operate at maximum efficiency to best serve students, staff, and community. (Conservative)
    • Weighing current needs against potential future needs to serve current students without sacrificing the ability to meet the needs of future students and considering the educational needs of student in the context of the community’s ability to meet those needs without an excessive tax burden. (Balance)

    Globe unified School District is committed to promote Excelling Schools by:

    • Recruiting and hiring the best staff possible, implementing programs to retain quality staff, and exploring and implementing programs to grow our own staff whenever possible. (Retaining Staff)
    • Providing high quality interpersonal interactions with students, staff, parents, and the greater community. (Customer Service)
    • Promoting student and staff involvement in the community through participation in community events, support of community programs and projects, and school visibility in community events and publications. (Community Involvement)
    • Developing programs in academics, career preparation, arts, athletics, technology, and any other area of study that will provide opportunities for all student to participate in activities that will develop their intellectual, social, and physical capabilities. (Success for all students)
    • Construct and manage student curriculum in a cohesive, comprehensive program that includes all grade levels across the district. (District-Wide Curriculum)